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A place to belong personally and Grow professionally​

Letter from the President

In 1995, I discovered a ‘gem’, the National Association of Environmental Professionals. As a scientist involved in assessing environmental impacts from federal projects and a practitioner of the ‘art’ of NEPA, I had found an organization that understood and fulfilled my professional needs. NAEP gave me opportunities to learn, a venue to present, a place to serve, and a forum to discuss a wide range of environmental issues and concerns. I had a place to go for questions, advice, examples to simple and complex questions related to the regulatory world of environmental assessment and NEPA.


However, the biggest value of NAEP was the people. Not just the ‘professional’ contacts, but also the many personal friendships that have developed over the past 23 years. Serving on committees and the board of directors and chair national conferences gave me experiences that helped me professionally and was a value to my company.


As a NAEP Fellow, I invite you to join our effort to organize the Idaho Association of Environmental Professionals (IdAEP) and affiliate with the national organization as well. I know that you will find something of worth, as I did so many years ago.


John Irving

Idaho National Laboratory

Recommended Reading:
I recommend reading Ron Deverman’s ‘NAEP and NEPA: Context, Perspectives, and Truisms’ from News for the Environmental Professional, August 2017.
Ron is a past President of NAEP and a NAEP Fellow. (document link provided)
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